October release notes
For the October release, we have focused on exposing endpoints to make it possible to programmatically perform common Programmable Banking functionality through the API.
What's new
Here is a list of the card endpoints
- Get all cards: You can pull a list of all cards associated with the profile.
- Get code: You can pull all the code that is saved to the card.
- Get published code: This will allow you to get the code that is published and will be executed when a card transaction occurs.
- Update code: You can save all unpublished code to the card.
- Publish code: You can publish the saved code to the card
- Get environment variables: You will be able to pull the environment variables associated with the card.
- Update environment variables: This allows you to update the full set of environment variables associated with the card.
- Execute code: You can execute a simulation transaction, in Sandbox, to the card.
- Get executions: You can see all the executions, both simulated and actual, against the card.
What is fixed
Running balance: Negative balances now comes back with a negative sign.
Coming soon!
Private Banking transfer endpoints: This will enable you to transfer funds between accounts much the same way that you are able to in Investec Online currently.